Sunday, November 9, 2008

The First Catch

The kids finally wore Garrett down and he took the family fishing last week. We went to our local
Riparian Preserve armed with Dora and Spiderman fishing poles, an urban fishing license and worms.
Five minutes into the adventure I was already regretting the trip. All the kids wanted to do was cast
and reel it in (evidently it is hard to catch catfish if they never have a chance to bite the bait).
After a long hour and a half, I began packing it up. Garrett, however, was determined that the kids
would catch something to avoid the downtrodden expressions that were forming as they saw their
mom folding up the chairs. Garrett and Collin spied a small grouping of teensy fish just off the shore
and went for it. These pictures capture the momentous "first catch". You'll have to look hard for the fish.
Luckily, we were not relying on the adventure to supply us with dinner!

Claire and Collin admiring the fruits of their adventure.
Collin holding the line admiring the catch.